Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Goals in Life

Hello world, my name is Tomica Lake and I was born and raised in Memphis,TN. Coming up as a child i always had a passion for taking an object, or material that was used in everyday life, and I turned it into something that was fun and appealing for the eye to look at. Overtime, I begin to develop a totally different communication skill from many of my friends, family, and even school faculty. I expressed how I felt through art, which i thought was a way better way for me to communicate with people. Today, I currently attend MCA, and my major is art therapy, being accepted to MCA was truly a blessing for me because in my community many people are not to fond of art. When i receive my degree from MCA, I plan to be an art therapist, because what better way for a person to express themselves? Duh through art.